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Rack Cards, Post cards and Door Hangers

Rack Cards

Any time is the right time to get your company’s information into the hands of prospects and customers. Rack cards, commonly found in restaurants, hotels, motels, and lobbies of office buildings and recreation centres, are an inexpensive way to catch the eye of passers-by and introduce them to your company. Or consider using them in your company’s lobby with different products or services featured on each card.

Printing your rack cards with full-color photos gives you a chance to feature your company’s products and services in style. They are a great way to educate your prospects and customers, and to allow them to get their questions answered on their own time. We would be happy to help you design and print rack cards for your company – give us a call!

Door Hangers

Door Hangers are specially designed for the handles of the door. They are low cost and easy way to target your customers and are an effective advertising option for small and large businesses. Door hangers are one of the greater ways to get visibility and good reputation for any business. Door hangers are a proven marketing method. With this great product you can easily canvas whole areas with your marketing message. Door hangers can be printed in a variety of sizes and paper types. Please contact us today for your free estimate.


Postcards are one of advertising’s best-kept secrets. Often overlooked, postcards are in fact a powerful and inexpensive way to reach your audience. Repeated mailings with postcards have been shown over time, to be very effective in generating new sales opportunities and can go a long way in boosting the bottom line of your company. We print all types of postcards in a variety of sizes and formats which include invitations, sales events, appointment reminders, grand openings, new product launch, etc.


Rack-Cards photo
Door knob hangers photo
Postcard photo
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